
Ellen Gray

I always wanted to be fit and I admired people that had an intrinsic motivation to do some sort of exercise. I never ever had that urge that “I need to train to be happy”. I was happy… unless someone asked me to get into a bikini! And with 2 small children that constantly want to swim, I just felt that I am missing out on unconditional fun because of some body issues and wobbly cellulite. I thought I owe it to my kids to feel good in my own skin.

And then I watched the journey of my very dear friend Claire Kansley, who went from beautiful young mommy to even more beautiful fit & toned mommy with a renewed zest for life and an inner happiness and huge excitement about this new gym family. So I thought I must see what this is all about and signed up for the 6 week challenge on 01 November 2019.

I can honestly say that I haven’t been in such shape for the past 10 years, if not longer. I have lost 5.5 kilograms on the scale, a whole lot of body fat, I have toned, gained muscle and feel like a million dollars. For the first time in my life I can honestly say that I really enjoy exercise! Who would have thought!! I feel terribly guilty if I can’t train and feel that I owe it to my body.

I usually try to train in the mornings and the emotional benefits are just as amazing, the endorphins carry me all day every day and I just enjoy being the healthier and happiest me. The training goes hand in hand with clean eating, so yes, the proverbial lifestyle change really happens :)

And where to start when trying to explain to someone why HIIT is so different? I had countless gym memberships of all sorts of gyms and pursued those endeavours with huge enthusiasm…for the first month! And then never ever went again, because I got bored or actually didn’t know what to do. HIIT is so different…no workout is ever the same, the trainers are out of this world, they are funny, nudge you gently to give your best, but also understand if you have a bad day (and let you take the lighter weight on that one day), but they encourage you, help you, know your name from day one - they make you feel welcome and make sure that you feel you really matter.

The fellow training partners are carrying that same spirit, everyone is in it together, no matter how fit or unfit, how skinny or a little chubby, old and young, sweaty or not…it’s a community and it’s beautiful and good for the soul! Thank you HIIT for making the world a better place for so many!