I returned from the Netherlands where I use to train 4 x per week and my friend, Ané Bisschoff told me about HIIT Fitness who operates almost like the fitness centre I joined in the Netherlands. After my first visit to HIIT Fitness, I realised that I am not as fit as I thought I was. I felt so welcome at HIIT Fitness and felt immediately part of a family. I got addicted to HIIT Fitness and I enjoy it so much. It wasn’t even about results anymore for me. It became something I have to do every day to function properly.

I started feeling so healthy, fit, and full of energy and I just felt I “belong” here and that I am part of a family. The results just came by itself! I just love the “family culture” feeling of HIIT Fitness and the way everyone motivates each other. This is the longest I have ever joined any fitness centre. I get bored easily and change fitness centres often because of boredom, but it has been a year, and I still look forward to every day going to HIIT Fitness. We have never done the same program twice and every day is something new and challenging.
I just cannot get bored! I love the coaches, watching you closely and making sure you keep moving to higher goals, they know your name and they know exactly what you can do and the weight you can lift, so there is no room for cheating or going backwards.
I used to exercise because I “have” to, you have to exercise to stay healthy and not letting yourself go. It was never fun, and was always something that you have to do and always had to force myself to get myself at the gym or fitness centre. Now, ever since I joined HIIT Fitness, I LOVE exercising and it is something that I WANT to do. Going to HIIT Fitness is something I look forward to.
I started enjoying the sessions so much that I did not even focus on the results anymore, it was just FUN! The results came by itself, and after my last assessment, I realised that I have lost 5.6% body fat since joining and I am feeling great, better and fitter than ever.
It is sustainable. It becomes a lifestyle that you can maintain. It is exciting and something new awaits every day. One does not get bored. It takes you 30 minutes a day to obtain amazing results.
It is great to feel fit and healthy and everyone deserves to know how good you can feel.