To be completely honest I had no idea that HIIT Fitness even existed until Debi Schuiling decided she wanted to win a TV in one of the competitions you were running. Debi signed me up for the 6 week challenge and subsequently won the TV. It was a life changing 6 weeks for me and I am forever grateful to Debi for pushing me into something I would never have chosen to do.
I can honestly say that every aspect of my life has been affected in a positive way through my training at HIIT. It is not just about the clothes fitting better and the weight loss but more importantly it is about how I feel. I have a much more positive outlook on life, way more energy, sleep better at night and my kids say I am a nicer mom! I love the feeling of being so fit and healthy, especially at my age.

30 minutes full body workout with the most amazing trainers in a family orientated environment sets HIIT apart from any other program. The genuine interest in you as a person, the constant encouragement and passion that Joshua, Clayton, Keelan and Luthando show every day is what makes HIIT the number 1 program out there.
It is wonderful to come to gym every morning and be greeted by name, share a few laughs and leave feeling as if you are on top of the world. I have been pushed and encouraged beyond what i thought i could ever achieve. Stepping out of my comfort zone and showing up to HIIT every day is the one of the best decisions I have made.
I believe 100% in how HIIT can change your life so why would I want to keep it a secret!