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Lee-Anne Scarpellini


A couple of tumultuous years left me quite drained, rundown and fat! Nothing quite seemed to inspire me to get my mind, my body or my spirit together. I’d pretty much resigned myself to the fact that that was my new life, my new body. I’ve never enjoyed a gym. Walking into that big intimidating space, unsure of what to do with what machine so although I had a membership never set foot into it for years. My daughter on a similar path, had heard of HIIT and her friend had great results so practically dragged me through the doors of HIIT and quite literally into the arms of Keelan, my incredible Coach who took me through a 6-week challenge.

I’ve been a regular here for 8 months now. Probably the most empowering 8 months of my life. I’ve learnt just so much about my body, how much I can do, how just the 30 minutes of focusing on nothing but breathing and not falling over is the most remarkable therapy. My body feels toned and I feel muscles where previously I just felt jiggles.

This must surely be the most incredible fitness family ever. I’m still in constant awe of what JP and these incredible Coaches have achieved and the energy and kindness and motivation they expend every day on each one of their clients. Feeling like a family member, encouraged, sometimes even dragged around the car park just to get you to the end, never alone but under mentorship, sincere friendship and a spirit of togetherness that sets HIIT Fitness head and shoulders above any of its peers.

Joining HIIT Family will change your life in a way you’ll never expect, your body responds, your mind awakens and your spirit soars. Friendships are made with outstanding men and women and the feeling of belonging is truly overwhelming. JP, Keelan, Clayton, Lulu, Joshua, Justine, Stasha – you are all changing lives!! Please never stop doing what you are doing!! You are a blessing to all of us on a daily basis."



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